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News and Views - August 2019

Covington Square Subdivision News


Greetings from the Covington Square homeowner association board of directors. As summer ends, we wanted to update you on current subdivision events and news.

Mark your calendars! The 2019 HOA annual meeting will be held at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, October 22 at the Canton Township office meeting room A. The agenda includes board elections and volunteer committee confirmations, updates on subdivision maintenance activities, and the treasurer’s report. We’re looking for support to help keep our day-to-day operations momentum and visionaries to help plan the future! Please volunteer a slice of your time to help turn your subdivision improvement ideas into a reality.

Our volunteer social committee organized another fantastic summer picnic on July 27. We are grateful to Rebecca Staniek and Wanda Sands for the many things they do to make our subdivision a welcome community. Also, thank you to those who turned up early to set up tables, chairs, and games for the kids.

Thanks to Mike Young, Tim McIntee, and Kevin Kuzniar for providing thoughtful oversight to homeowner architectural requests. This is a very important volunteer position that often goes unrecognized. Their oversight helps keep your subdivision looking uniform and neat.

The subdivision fall garage sale is scheduled for Thursday, September 19 – 22.

2019 maintenance projects:

• Twenty-six Cleveland Pear trees were planted along subdivision streets. Please water new trees in front of your home weekly throughout September as a provision to the contractor’s 1-year warranty on these plantings. New trees that have been watered regularly yet perished will be replaced next spring.

• Damaged sidewalk sections along subdivision streets will be replaced soon. The contractor will exercise extreme caution in removing damaged sections but have already indicated homeowners are responsible for repairing sprinkler heads inadvertently damaged in the process. Sidewalk sections located in a driveway are considered homeowner responsibility and are not part of this project.

• Viburnum shrubs in the Lilley berm that have reached their life expectancy will be replaced in September or October. Additionally, a tree on the Oakland side of the pond will be planted at the same time.

• Brush and stumps were cleared from the edge of the woods along the path, along the Lilley sidewalk, and at the Truesdell Drain bridge. Our lawn contractor can now mow up to the tree line at the woods eliminating need for annual brush cutting. The subdivision has been working hard to eradicate poison ivy along the woods and on the fence; however, some poison ivy still remains. Tread carefully!

In close, we pay tribute to John Silagy who passed on August 9. John served as HOA president for a decade (or more) working tirelessly for the common good of all residents. John and Joyce welcomed us into their home for many subdivision meetings over the years making us feel like family. It is with fond remembrance we bid farewell to John.

We look forward to seeing YOU at the annual meeting on Oct 22!

Roger Faber

On behalf of the 2019 board of directors




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